This program is designed based on our proprietary framework Nervous to Fabulous® In Public Speaking & Presentation Excellence using the SIXPACKS system.
Given below is the customised course syllabus based on the above system. To ensure maximum effectiveness and assimilation of ideas taught, the activities listed below, might be adjusted, repeated or changed according to current experience level and learning progress of the cohort or in relation to case studies or questions participants might have.
1. Designed Alliance: Agree on Ground Rules for the program & set expectations
2. Setting your Stage: The Why-What-How of Public Speaking & Persuasive Presentations
a. McKinsey 101 – to demonstrate how to get others to accept your ideas
b. The $3.2 billion presentation – to demonstrate presentations as a game-changer
c. Speakers by Birth vs Speakers by Design to instil the belief that anyone can become a speaker
d. Body Language and Stage Presence
e. Reveal the #1 best kept secret of fabulous speakers
f. Case Study Review
g. Activity: How to stand: Factors that increase your stage presence and project confidence
3. Ignite your Imagination: Strategies to control nervousness when speaking under pressure
a. Speaking clearly under pressure and overcoming fear of speaking
b. Control nervousness before presentations
i. Bust the myths, boost your self-confidence and learn an essential life-skill
ii. Techniques for handling Nervousness, Anxiety and Fear
c. Impromptu Speaking: Speaking off the cuff without slides or notes
d. Practical Techniques and Strategies for Impromptu Speaking
i. Theory
ii. Demonstration
iii. Practice
iv. Coaching Feedback
v. Debrief on practical applications
vi. Video review of practical applications
4. Excavate your Experiences: Strategies to unveil content and stories for your presentations
a. Discovering speaking content based on experiences
b. The 3 questions you need to ask before start preparing your presentations
c. The Art of Persuasion: What makes people do what you ask them to do?
d. Understand the power of storytelling to make your points persuasive and memorable
e. Activity: Share an experience using the structure
i. Coaching Feedback
ii. Debrief on practical applications
iii. Video review of practical applications
5. Package your Product: Organise and Structure content for maximum effectiveness
a. Know how to structure business presentations in a way that resonates with, captivates and persuades your listeners
b. Understand the Genres of Business Presentations
c. Learn how to use 8 narrative structures for different genres
i. Detailed explanation of the narrative structures
ii. Demonstration of narrative structures
d. Activity: Use of speech structures for organising ideas
i. Coaching Feedback
ii. Debrief on activity and self-reflection
e. The elements persuasion and infusion every presenter should know
i. 3 anchors of persuasion your presentation need to have
ii. Techniques to make your presentations persuasive
iii. Utilising the 3 elements of persuading others, 6 factors of infusion
iv. Activity: Practice sessions on Persuasion and Infusion
v. Debrief on activity and self-reflection
f. The Octopus Storytelling Model™ - Using personal stories to engage your audience
i. The role of storytelling in presentations
ii. Techniques of transforming boring personal incidents into captivating corporate stories
iii. Practice sessions
1. Coaching feedback
2. Debrief on practical applications
3. Video review of practical applications
g. What to say?
i. 8 elements that give you more power when you elaborate your points
ii. The secrets behind presidential speeches you can use to be more influential
6. Ace your Act: Deliver your content with Maximum Impact
a. 9 elements of Presentation delivery you need to master
b. Mastering your Stage Presence & Delivery
i. Body Language
ii. Posture
iii. Stance
iv. Movements
v. Gestures
vi. Facial expressions
vii. Energy
viii. Mannerisms
ix. Voice
c. Handling Q&A with confidence and effectiveness
i. 3 Common mistakes presenters make during Q&A
ii. Strategies to effectively handle Q&A
iii. Strategies to handle hecklers
iv. Strategies to manage and control the flow of Q&A
d. The Slide Design – Do’s & Don’ts
i. Common Slide mistakes many presenters make that you need to avoid
ii. Know the purpose of Slides
iii. Know the 5 elements of Slide Design
e. Body Language – Do’s & Don’ts
i. Common body language mistakes many presenters makes that you need to avoid
ii. Correct your body language mistakes, tonality errors and avoid sending negative vibes
iii. Acing delivery: Taming your body language
f. The 5 Vocal flavours you need to master to enhance engagement
i. Activity: Demonstration of tonality
ii. Activity: Projecting Voice
iii. Strategies to speak without pause fillers
7. Collaborate for Excellence: Working with others and getting the right feedback
a. Engaging audience with questions for reflection
b. Eliciting feedback using ARROW form
8. Practice sessions, Coaching and Feedback as required
a. Receive expert guidance to speed up your progress
b. Expert Coaching Feedback based on practice
i. Verbal aspects
ii. Non-verbal aspects
c. Activity: Presentations on a topic of participant’s choice or given by coach
9. Coaching feedback on areas of improvement in Content and Delivery
10. Immediate Next Steps for application of learning in a working environment
11. Bonus Topic: Executive Presence during Virtual Presentations
P.S: Participants will receive the tools, systems and processes they can use to craft their own presentations in the future.